Category: Security

When People Start Getting Shot, It Gets Real Very Fast

This is no video game When the driver for this news crew gets a headshot by a sniper, it gets very real very fast. This is from our friends at Funker530 Combat Footage   Graphic: News Team Driver Is Shot Through The Windshield By Sniper

How To Encrypt Your eMail Communications

There is a free encrypted email service in Switzerland…and they won’t give you up to the NSA People are becoming more and more wary of big tech companies mining your data to sell to advertisers—but it’s hard to find alternatives to services that tech titans have spent years streamlining. Almost exactly a year ago, Swiss-based …

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8 Ways the Ruger Mini 14 is Better Than The AR-15

What do you guys think? It would seem the Mini 14 *is* better in these 8 ways.  Better yet, make sure you have both and try it for yourself!        

Senior Pentagon soldier to ISIS: Surrender or get beaten with entrenchment tool

It doesn’t get much clearer than this… The Pentagon’s senior enlisted member has drawn the line against ISIS: “surrender or die!” In a blunt warning to the remaining ISIS fighters, Army Command Sgt. Maj. John Wayne Troxell said the shrinking band of militants could either surrender to the U.S. military or face death. “ISIS needs …

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Spot A Bad Guy In A Crowd In Less Than 60 Seconds


And you don’t have to be a combat Marine There is no doubt that in this day and age personal security is a high priority on your preparedness list.  We can comb the headlines and see story after story of terrorist attacks, church shootings, robberies, and murders. Like many of you, I practice with my …

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How To Survive an Active Shooter Situation

What’s the best way to survive an active shooter situation? Let’s remove reason and morality from the equation and imagine YOU are the active shooter. What do you want? An unrestricted field of fire in a target-rich environment. To be the only one dictating the tempo so you can maintain all of the above. Like …

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