Category: Prepping

The Real Reason the January 6 Committee Canceled This Hearing is Beyond Disgusting

Everyone knows the fraudulent Congressional January 6 Committee is a leftist charade. And there is no question it’s been a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars. But the real reason they canceled this upcoming hearing is beyond disgusting. Liz Cheney and her Democrat comrades on the January 6 Committee are supposedly “investigating” the January 6 events …

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How To Make Your Own Fuel

It is no secret that our society would have a hard time operating without some type of fuel source. Whether your vehicle runs on ethanol or gasoline, you would be out of luck if something happened to the nation’s fuel supply. This is why it can be a great idea to learn how to create …

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84-year-old pro-life volunteer shot in Michigan after she had a ‘heated’ exchange, anti-abortion group says

An 84-year-old volunteer for a pro-life group was shot following an alleged “heated” exchange while she was canvassing door-to-door regarding an abortion ballot proposal. A woman was knocking on doors in a neighborhood of Lake Odessa on Sept. 20. She was attempting to discuss the state’s upcoming vote on Proposal 3 and hand out pro-life pamphlets. Bridge Michigan – …

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Ford Slammed the Brakes on the Deep State’s Efforts to End an American Icon

The effort to “go green” is crushing the American automobile market. And the government is doing all it can to further veer off course. But Ford just slammed the brakes on the Deep State’s efforts to end this American icon. The race to switch Americans to electric vehicles (EVs) has resulted in some clunkers. And …

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Michigan man who shot elderly pro-life canvasser claims she was arguing with his wife and shooting was an ‘accident’

This will be one story to watch unfold.  Check it out: The Michigan man who shot an elderly pro-life canvasser claimed that she was arguing with his wife at the time and that the shooting was an accident. The incident unfolded on September 20 at a home near Lake Odessa in Michigan. The 83-year-old volunteer for Right …

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10 Common Ammo Storage Mistakes

Amongst the many things that preppers stockpile, ammunition is second to only food and water. While it might be possible to survive many short-term scenarios without the need to fire a shot, the longer the survival situation lasts, the more likely we are to need to use firearms, both for hunting and for defending home …

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Best States For Self-Defense. Do You Live In One Of Them?

Self defense is important because it’s your legal right and your life or someone else’s could depend on it. In a moment of crisis, if you or someone you care about is attacked, knowing where you stand legally— and being prepared to defend yourself or others— could make a world of difference in the outcome …

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Police arrest California veteran accused of plotting ‘Las Vegas style’ mass shooting

A 37-year-old California man was arrested Sunday on suspicion of planning to commit a “Las Vegas style” mass shooting, police said. The Chico Police Department said that Dallas Marsh was taken into custody after detectives obtained evidence that he was making criminal threats to kill specific individuals, law enforcement officers, and others in a mass …

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Learn To Spot The Bad Guy In A Crowd


For years I’ve looked for some sort of training, some secret ninja mojo to spot the bad guys in a crowd. I mean, in lieu of decades of combat or police experience, how can a layman know what to look for in a crowd? How can we learn who’s a threat, how can we be …

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So Much For USDA ‘Organic’…

In the story below, you can see just how bad conditions can be and still have the product labelled ‘organic’. These corporate farms cut all sorts of costs by housing birds in this unhealthy fashion, making it hard to compete for family farms. “Katherine Paul of the Organic Consumers Association said the Herbruck’s operation betrays …

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