Category: Food

How To Begin Storing Food

Prepper food storage has become an increasingly popular topic in recent years, as more and more people become concerned about the possibility of natural disasters, pandemics, or other catastrophic events that could disrupt the food supply chain. Preppers are individuals who take proactive steps to prepare for such scenarios, and one of the most important …

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Survival Trapping Is Trapping Wrong

Like many of you, I see lots of survival trapping articles cross my inbox.  I also watch TV shows like Alone, Naked and Afraid, and others like them.  As a fur trapper, I must say the survival trapping I see in all of these mediums is flat-out WRONG.  I hope more survivalists will seek trapping …

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How To Make Homemade Wine

And Live Free Like Your Ancestors! If you’re like me you’ve always wanted to make your own homemade wine.  As preppers, obviously we are all into DIY.  What better way to do it yourself than to make homemeade wine?  Some benefits of making your own wine include cost savings, a feeling of self-reliance, and most …

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You’re Prepping WRONG

And I Can Prove It… There we are.  10 years of MRE’s stored up, 20,000 rounds of ammo.  Yep, we have our disaster plan and we have communications policies in place with the family even in times of non-emergency. All bases covered, right? Wrong. These things are all good things, if that’s what you want.  …

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Food Storage – How to Begin?

  How and Why to Store Survival Food Why do we store food?  Zombie Apocalypse?   Not happening.  EMP?  Not likely.  Financial meltdown?  Sorry boys, I doubt that’ll ever come to be.  It’s fun to envision SHTF scenarios, and it’s fun to do things like store survival food in order to prepare for them.  But …

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