The Real Reason the January 6 Committee Canceled This Hearing is Beyond Disgusting

Everyone knows the fraudulent Congressional January 6 Committee is a leftist charade.
And there is no question it’s been a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars.
But the real reason they canceled this upcoming hearing is beyond disgusting.
Liz Cheney and her Democrat comrades on the January 6 Committee are supposedly “investigating” the January 6 events at the U.S. Capitol.
But it is nothing more than a show trial in yet another effort to “get Donald Trump.”
They’ve abused the process, refused to allow testimony from anyone who could disprove their underlying anti-Trump efforts, and even stacked the Committee with only those who oppose Trump.
But recently they announced they were postponing one of their scheduled hearings.
The Committee announced they were postponing September 28th’s hearing because Hurricane Ian was expected to make landfall on Florida that day and member Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy needed to remain in her Florida district of Winter Park, FL.
But now news is coming out about the real reason they postponed.
PBS News Hour correspondent Lisa Desjardins reported the January 6 Committee actually canceled because they did not like that most cable news coverage would be focused on the hurricane.
She tweeted the following:
“Confirmed from mult. sources involved: The J6 Committee had multiple concerns w/ *Hurricane Ian* and timing tomorrow. One was Rep. Murphy and her district. The second was that cable news would be more focused on hurricane coverage through the day.”
They’ve been concerned enough as it is that the American people aren’t paying attention to their committee proceedings, so the thought of having to share the spotlight with a hurricane was just too much for these phonies.
Of course, they should be more concerned about the red tsunami getting ready to hit Congress.
Because if the GOP leadership keeps its promises, the January 6 Committee could be facing their own investigation soon.
But the funniest part of the canceled hearing is even after Hurricane Ian blows back out to sea, no one still will be watching the January 6 hearings.
Every major poll has shown that the American people really do not care at all.
In fact, the Committee really should just think about canceling the entire charade.