You’re Prepping WRONG

And I Can Prove It…

There we are.  10 years of MRE’s stored up, 20,000 rounds of ammo.  Yep, we have our disaster plan and we have communications policies in place with the family even in times of non-emergency.

All bases covered, right?


These things are all good things, if that’s what you want.  But let’s take a moment to look at what disaster and emergencies actually happen.

What emergencies actually happen?

Without googling, I can remember some hurricanes in 2017, some blizzards, some shootings, and other assorted emergencies/disasters.  These were all pretty much regional happenings.  They can be bad, and if you live in an area prone to such things then preparing for them is by all means appropriate.

But how many zombie apocalypse happened?  How many financial meltdowns resulting in total societal collapse happened?  How many planet-killing asteroids hit Earth?


The point I’m trying to make is that the bigger the disaster/event, the less likely it is to actually happen.  Or to put it another way, the more people a disaster affects, the less likely it is to happen.

Your Preps Should Make Life Better Now

Are you sitting on 50,000 rounds of ammunition?  If so, and you like it, that’s fine.  In my 40 plus years of life, I’ve never been shot at.  But I’ve eaten every day of my life.  I think it’s a little more important to store some food!

“Great!” you say.  “I’ve got 40 years worth of MREs in storage.”

Have you ever eaten an MRE?  They’re not that good.   I’d much rather start off with 90 days of canned and stored food that I can actually rotate and eat normally.   It’s much more probable that someone might lose a job, or one of the elderly couple across the road may die, than an EMP taking out civilization.

Hunting is a great way to start storing food

In the event of one of these more common emergencies, being able to eat easily or give a few meals to a friend easily can be worth a lot more than 50 cases of MRE.

Your preps will be more fun, and you’ll get more out of it, if you prepare for the most common stuff first.

Here is my list of preps I think you should start doing now that will benefit you for years to come:

  1.   Hunting – This will teach you a lot about animals, and yourself.  You’ll learn to shoot, and our family puts several hundred pounds of meat in the freezer every year this way.

  2.   Get out of debt – This is the fastest and most sure-fire way to freedom there is.  This will make you more free than any gun ever will

  3.   Store what you eat and eat what you store.  Read this article for info.

  4.   Grow a garden.  I know people who have survival seeds for when the SHTF but they’ve never tried growing a garden.  It’s not real easy!  And failures may take an entire season to recover from.  Trust me, start now.

  5.   Keep livestock – most municipalities will allow at LEAST chickens.  Chickens are very easy, and are reliable.  When we lived in town, we had 4 chickens.  With 4 eggs per day, we were giving away dozens of eggs like nobody’s business.

  6.   Stay fit.  I suggest Krav Maga as the martial art of choice, because it’s simple to learn and simple to  remember in a crisis situation.  But if that’s not your cup of tea, just walk every day.  If the S really does hit the F all the ammo in the world won’t help a person who can’t walk several miles.

  7.   Learn to shoot – It may sound like I’m poo-pooing on firearm handling with this article, and I’m definitely not.  I suggest a decent shotgun and maybe a .22 if you’re just starting out.  Get them and learn to handle them.  You’ll be better off for it.

No matter which things you do to prep, remember to hold your head up and walk tall – you’re already miles ahead of the other sheeple!