
What Does It Mean To Be Free?

What is freedom? We live in a free country, right?  Is freedom having the right to go anywhere we please, without requiring government permission?  Does having the right to vote make us free?  Surely we don’t live in 1980s era communist Russia, afraid to speak freely or move about. 

Wrong.  We live in a society that’s worse than that.  People aren’t afraid of the social and government overreach, they CELEBRATE it.

We live in a soundbite and 160 character world, where truth isn’t based on facts, but instead is based on what’s shouted the loudest, and by the most popular kids.

The legacy media and Hollywood elite tell us what’s right, and demonize what they want us to hate, and an army of idiotic and idealistic morons eats is up faster than the human centipede.  Afraid to go against their handlers, these pop culture-addicted attention whores spread the liberal word with a fervor that Adolph Hitler would envy.

You are now entering a place where we gleefully go against contemporary thinking, a world where we laughingly give the finger to the elitist douchebags who claim to ‘govern’ us.

In these pages you’ll find a celebration of freedom, and a love of the strength it takes to live life on your own terms.

Survival isn’t about living in a bunker eating MREs.  Survival is about living life to the fullest, on the sweat of the brow, and reaping what one sows.

Welcome to Ultimate Survival.